To be honest, I can't believe someone didn't think of this sooner, because it's so smart. I forgot to take before/during/after photos, but this is definitely part of my makeup removing regimen, and I have found it incredibly helpful when removing my mascara without tearing out all my lashes.
Speaking of skin care, my skin has been freaking out lately for reasons I can't explain, other than it probably has to do with how crap my diet has been lately. I'm breaking out in places I normally don't have issues (is this part of being in my mid 30s?) and quite frankly I am not enjoying it. I think some of it could possibly be psoriasis, but the internet is a less than perfect diagnostic tool.
To fight this recent skin care nightmare, I'm trying to scale back on products that might be irritating my face. So, I'm going simple, and trying to incorporate 1-2 days a week of exfoliation. I like to use, especially in the morning, Simple's micellar water and follow that up with either Argan oil, or Clinique's Moisture Surge and Murad's Invisiblur for the SPF. At night, I like to use Beauty Counter's Beauty Balm because it's so gentle, and it can also double as a moisturizer.
So far - I feel like it's getting worse, but I could be wrong. Maybe it's time to ask for a referral to see a dermatologist. = \
Have you ever seen a dermatologist for a specific skin issue, or break out?
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