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Friday Friday Friday

Hello friends, I'm so sorry I fell off the face of the earth for almost a month. Turns out, healing and grief truly are processes that take time and energy. Anywho, I have been reading, and definitely owe you some book reviews, but those are all still turning gears in my brain right now. So, I've put together a list of some of the articles, recipes, things that I've been looking at around the interwebs recently, and hope you enjoy it as well!

Runner's World: The Problem Is Not Women Running Alone I no longer run due to IT Band issues (ugh) but I used to run alone almost all the time. With the exception of a majority of my long runs when training for half and full marathons, I ran on the streets of my neighborhoods. This article really struck a chord with me, and I think it makes really great points. Women endure this kind of harassment on a regular basis, and it's unacceptable.

PopSugar: Hate Your Muffin Top? - I do actually hate my muffin top, and while I do actually know and understand the "buy what fits you now," let's be real, when I feel awful about my body is not really when I want to go shopping. I do think, however it's important to remember that no one but you will know what size clothing you buy. When something fits you properly, you will always look and feel better. Why is it so hard for us to just accept that?

Preppy Runner: Shattering the Stigma I love Theodora. Do you ever read someone's blog and thing "OMG, me too!" and immediately want to become BFF with them? No, just me? Well, Theodora is one of those bloggers to me. I love that she is so open and honest with her struggles, it makes my own feel more manageable.

Greatest: Obama's Essay on Feminism This election year is struggle town for me. I really love Obama, and think he's done a fantastic job. I am also horrified by Trump's campaign, so, yup. Anyway, one of the things I enjoy most about our current President is his willingness to stand up and say what is important.

Kate McCracken: Lenses - I am lucky enough to get to work with Kate, and she is fantastic. Her writing always contains something that my little heart is like "YAAAAAS!!" This piece on Lenses is no different. While you're over there, you should also read On Being White, because, it's so incredible.

Greatest: The Moment I Stopped Being a Nice Girl This is another article that just really, really spoke to me. I was absolutely raised a nice girl, and struggle even now with lifting my voice and standing up for myself when it feels uncomfortable or may "hurt someone's feelings."

I promise the book reviews, beauty product posts and all that other jazz are coming! I'm slowly, but surely getting back into the real world, as bright and painful as it is.


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