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Oh Hai

Hello again friends. I know - I've been basically terrible at this blog.  I've got a ton of excuses I can use, but honestly? I just didn't have it in me, and I didn't make the time to force myself to keep on track. Sorry, I promise it's not you - it's me.

So, what have I been doing instead of writing? A lot of things, and also not a lot of things.
I'm gonna focus on fun things though - like my trip to Jamaica. This is the second year I've gone to Jamaica for Hanson's Back to the Island event, and much like last year, it was a blast.

Piña Coladas all day erryday, sunshine, ocean, Hanson concerts, relaxing with one of my best friends, and meeting new friends from across the U.S. Also, I wore a romper. I know, I'm shocked too. I kind of love this romper, but ya'll my real issue with the romper, the bathroom break: the struggle is real.

I'm shocked really that I took so few pictures this year, but honestly, I was having such a great time I don't mind. This trip really brought home for me that going forward, I want to use my money and resources on experiences, not so much on things. This is a tough habit to break - but it's absolutely something I want to work on in 2017. I feel like so much of 2016 was spent in limbo, at the very least, emotional limbo, while my mom was doing her infusion treatments, and then trying chemo again, and then choosing hospice. 2016 was not a great year for my family. It was incredibly difficult, and I know I'm still feeling the ripples (that are sometimes more like tidal waves) now. So, five days on a beautiful island was very much welcomed. I did have some travel struggles that were mostly my own poor planning, but again, the trip itself was fantastic. I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford to go again next year, I'll have to see - but man. So much fun. 
 I went snorkeling for the first time, and it was incredible! I can't believe it took me 34 years to snorkel. What was wrong with me?

The resort we stayed at had super fantastic hammocks and it made me wish I could just stay in a hammock with a good book forever. The world needs more hammocks. 

I tried to pack pretty light this year, because I learned last year I really wore my bathing suit, a cover up and just a handful of other things during the week. I still brought a bit too many clothes, but was much closer to not overpacking. I also tried to keep my makeup and skin care items on the small side, but again, packed more than was really needed. The only day that was really important to look great was picture day. lol. I mostly wore NARS tinted moisturizer in Alaska, Too Faced waterproof Better Than Sex mascara, and in the evenings, my NARS Audacious Lipstick in Janet. Needless to say, I brought way more than just those things. Maybe one day I'll learn to pack less. Do you overpack? Please tell me I'm not alone! 


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